Service Receiver Satisfaction Survey 2020

Dear service recipient,,,

For the public interest and in order to improve the level of service, please fill out this questionnaire, emphasizing that all information is dealt with in strict confidentiality, used for research purposes.

The overall impression
How satisfied are you with the courtesy and courtesy of the center’s staff?
How satisfied are you with the directional panels in terms of clear, adequate and comprehensive
How satisfied are you with the availability of parking?
How satisfied are you with the parking spaces
Services provided
The service procedures provided are clear, easy and transparent
Product value for money paid
The center offers its products with high quality
The time taken to provide the service was appropriate
Personnel involved in providing the service
Staff respond to questions and inquiries quickly and effectively
Employees abide by the deadlines set by them to complete the transactions
The staff of the center is professional and experienced
If you encounter a problem during the service, answer the following questions
The mechanism for dealing with complaints and suggestions is clear and specific
Easy access to the administrator in the event of a problem
The administrator listens to you, understands your problem and answers your questions and comments
The administrator has sufficient powers to make a decision to address the problem you encountered
The time it took to resolve the problem and complaints was appropriate
General information (optional)
3 + 2 =
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.